
Without stopping in the efforts that intertwine quality and trust, Vigar Carnes seeks excellence by ensuring the traceability and safety of food for consumers, for which processes are implemented that are certified by independent bodies that allow unification with world standards. These processes are endorsed by certificates such as TIF granted by SAGARPA, HACCP by TUV SUD, México Calidad Suprema by OCETIF and Safety Food Quality (SFQ) by NSF; strengthening the company through different distribution channels such as foodservice, retail and trade in strategic locations throughout the country.

TIF: The Federal Inspection Type certification, TIF for its acronym, is a recognition granted by SAGARPA, through the National Service of Health, Quality and Food Safety (SENASICA), through a meticulous procedure of inspection and supervision of traces and industrial establishments, dedicated to producing, storing, slaughtering, processing and distributing all kinds of meats and their derivatives. (Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food, October 24, 2016)

MCS: It is the only brand endorsed by the federal government, its co-owners are SE and SAGARPA. In the case of agricultural products (fruits and vegetables), livestock and aquaculture products, compliance with the Pollution Risk Reduction Systems of SENASICA / SAGAPRA is established as a prerequisite, and certification with the Federal Inspection Type seal (TIF) for the freezing and / or processing plants of products of animal origin. (MCS, 2016)

HACCP: It is a good manufacturing practice that focuses on critical control points throughout the process. Placing the plant at a level of control suitable for export.

SQF: The Saftey Quality Food certification is one of the most complex internationally and rigorous in its quality control, as it complies with the schemes of the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) is an initiative driven by the industry to guide and guide thinking in food safety management systems necessary for safety throughout the supply chain. This work is carried out through collaboration between the world’s leading food safety experts from retail, manufacturing, and food service companies, as well as international organizations, governments, universities, and service providers. to the global food industry. They meet at technical meetings of working groups and stakeholders, conferences and regional events to share knowledge and promote a harmonized approach to food safety management across the industry. GFSI is facilitated by the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF), a global, parity-based industry network, driven by its members. (GFSI, 2016)

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is an independent body, to any packing plant, that classifies the quality of products. This government organization allows to validate and certify the quality and safety of the rigorous processes through inspection. By having USDA authorization as an eligible establishment (TIF 637) in Mexico, the export of beef products to that country is accredited. Giving the guarantee that the products have a handling adhering to its high guidelines and a robust traceability that strengthens food safety.